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Diamondfit Yoga Flow


Diamondfit Yoga Stretch




DiamondFit Yoga Flow

Vinyasa yoga grounded in athletic training principles for strength and stamina with a focus on graceful transitions and sequences and musical inspiration. Class begins with deep core work setting a strong foundation for a dynamic and  rejuvenating (sweaty!) practice.


Diamondfit Yoga Stretch

Created for Athletes by an athlete to open chronicallly tight areas and ease aching muscles and joints. No chaturangas, no pretzel poses, no sanskrit. Yoga, evolved, to complement fitness and athletic performance.



Open and center your energy and feel amazing. This class is kind to the joints while offering tone, cinch and sweat. Centergy moves to the beat of cool music and sassy fun. Roll, swing, shake, bounce, balance, werrrk! and s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Finishes with a big smile and sexy walk.

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